OWI Lawyer

Articles Posted in OWI Lawyer

Is it mandatory for police in Michigan to obtain a warrant before conducting a blood draw on a DUI/OWI suspect? According to Michigan law (MCL 257.625a), individuals under 21 can be charged with OWI based on any detectable alcohol level in their blood, breath, or urine, while those 21 and older must have a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher. Although breathalyzer tests are commonly used by Michigan police officers to determine a driver’s BAC, officers might also opt for a blood test. Is a warrant necessary for law enforcement officers to compel a blood test from a...
No one gets behind the wheel of a car expecting to be charged with drunk driving in Michigan, but even a slight lapse in judgment can lead to serious implications. Depending on your history of prior convictions and whether your conduct caused an accident, you could be facing misdemeanor or felony offenses. In addition to fines and potential jail time, a conviction can lead to a driver’s license suspension, sky-high insurance rates, a permanent criminal record, and other consequences. Knowing that prosecutors are cracking down on drunk driving, it’s important to retain an experienced criminal defense lawyer to assist with...
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