It is always a bad idea to leave the scene of a drunk driving accident in Michigan – and it could get you in much bigger trouble.
That was the case July 9, when a North Muskegon man was involved in a traffic crash in Ferry Township but walked away before the police arrived.
This is from Michigan Live:
When troopers arrived at the scene of the accident, they located a person walking in a wooded section of property near the crash. The man admitted to driving the crashed vehicle and walking away, the police report said.
He was charged with operating while intoxicated, possession of marijuana and resisting and obstructing police. He is currently lodged in the Oceana County Jail.
Even after being apprehended and handcuffed, the driver continued to make his bad situation worse by trying to escape, according to reports.
What to Do If You Are Stopped for Suspected DUI in Michigan
- Be polite to the police officer while respectfully declining to cooperate.
- Stay calm. The law does not require you to help the police officer conduct a DUI investigation.
- Don’t tell the police officer if you have been drinking and driving. Don’t say how much alcohol you have had to drink. You have not been arrested at this point.
- Do not say that you only had a couple of beers. Try not to incriminate yourself.
- Simply remain silent. Anything you tell the police officer about drinking and driving may be used against you to support a DUI charge if you are eventually arrested for OWI / DUI / DWI.
More pointers on what to do if you have been stopped or charged with DUI, DWI or OWI in Michigan are available here.
Contact a Michigan DUI defense attorney for a free discussion of your legal options.