Some of the most common traffic violations would be speeding tickets, stop sign violations, running a red light, careless driving, reckless driving, and improper lane changes. There is also another one that is not as common, but just as serious, and that is failure to yield to an emergency vehicle. That can be a misdemeanor in some circumstances in our state.
How Long Does Someone Have To File For A Traffic Violation Hearing?
People usually have between ten to fourteen days to make a response to the court that you are either accepting responsibility or that you are going to challenge the ticket. If you challenge the ticket, you can have either an informal or a formal hearing. If you have an attorney represent you, it must be a formal hearing and the attorney would take care of the scheduling with the court system. If you want to do it yourself, then it can be a formal or informal hearing too, and the procedure and processes are different for each particular court.
What Happens If Someone Ignores A Traffic Violation Ticket?
If you ignore a traffic ticket, then the ticket will go into default, and eventually within a fairly short period of time their driver’s license will be suspended for failing to pay that ticket. That is really the worst thing you can do to yourself. Never allow your license to get suspended for nonpayment of a ticket. If you are stopped and pulled over you will be issued a misdemeanor ticket for driving while on a suspended license. Aside from the fines and costs of that ticket, you will receive two points plus an additional period of suspension on your license, and a driver responsibility fee that basically amounts to an extra thousand dollars above and beyond what the court charges you.
Driving on a suspended license ticket is a very harsh penalty. In fact, if you receive a ticket for driving while the license is suspended and if the police want to arrest you, they basically have the right to do so. They also have the right to an inventory search of your car, by where if they find anything illegal such as drugs or guns, you will then receive additional charges for that, and there is nothing you can do about that situation.
Do People Mostly Contest Traffic Violation Tickets In Michigan?
I do not know what the statistics are for people contesting traffic tickets in Michigan. My hunch is most people just pay the ticket if they have not had prior tickets on their record. The problem with that strategy is people get a couple of tickets and they pay them, and then they get another ticket and now they are worried about points off their license. They try to challenge the ticket. When they get to court they will find out that the prosecutor is much less willing to give them a break on the new ticket because they still have those old tickets on their record. The smartest things you can do are either fight or pay the tickets while you have a clean record, because the prosecutor is more likely to make the best possible offers to resolve those tickets.
How Does The Points System Work In Michigan?
The point system in Michigan works as this. A typical five miles per hour over the limit for speeding is two points. For speeding tickets the more points that you receive, or the faster you are going over the speed limit, the more the points can add up. So it depends on the exact offense when referring to speeding. But other offenses such as red light or stop sign tickets, those are generally three points. Careless driving is also three points. Reckless driving is six points and a ninety day mandatory suspension of your driver’s license. Failure to yield, failure to stop in a short and clear distance, those are also two point tickets. So it just depends on the actual offense that is committed.
What Is The Impact Of Having A Clean Prior Driving Record On A Traffic Violation?
It all depends on the specific case, and it depends upon the facts of that particular case, but it is pretty obvious that people who have a clean driving record and no history of dangerous driving habits, that will be easier to work with those people in the system and work out a plea bargain. If the intent is not to make a plea bargain, but it is to fight and win the case through a dismissal or not a guilty verdict, then it is not going to matter that much for a trial. A jury is not going to find out about their prior record whether it is clean or not. They are only going to know about this particular incident and make a decision whether they are guilty of the current incident.
For more information on Traffic Violations In Michigan, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (248) 451-2200 today.